- Heat Treatment Furnaces for Various application Annealing , Normalising
- Hardening , Solution Treatment Heating , Forge Heating , Tempering
- Aluminum Solutionising , Stress Relieving , Ductile Iron Full Annealing
- Strong rigid construction , Heat resistant grade CI castings at door and frame, bogie and furnace interface eliminates warpage. Railway rails for load bearing under temperature. Double sealing minimizing heat losses
- Thermal survey as per API 6A Standard.
- All measuring instruments calibrated to national traceability
- With as per the Required AUTOMATION.
- Annealing
- Normalising
- Hardening
- Solution Treatment Heating
- Forge Heating
- Tempering
- Aluminum Solutionising
- Stress Relieving
- Ductile Iron Full Annealing.
Auto cycle control
- Ramp, Soak, Cool ..... 8 Steps Profile
- 10, 20 Profile Memory
- Multi Input Multi Output (MIMO)
- PID Controlling Action.
- Micro processor based programable controller.
- one burner, one thermocouple forms one pair as zone, thus multi zone control
- Digital display for time temprature graph online with USB pendrive for data storage, Wired lan PC connectivity for real time graph printing
- High Velocity Short Flame Burner
- Direct On/Off pulse firing effect.
- Smokeless perfect combustion
- The furnaces are calibrated for uniformity as per API 6A Standard ( The Temperature Difference Between Highest & Lowest Points at Stabilised Conditions should not be more than 13ºC.)
- Trolley - movement by geared motor with brake.
- Door - movement by geared motor with brake, counter weighed,
- Door Lock Unlock - innovative,Pneumatically operated instant latching unlatching for perfect sealing
- Strong rigid construction
- Heat resistant grade CI castings at door and frame, bogie and furnace interface eliminates warpage.
- Railway rails for load bearing under temperature.
- Double sealing minimising heat losses.
- High temperature high density ceramic fibre modular lining.
- Self supporting U-fold door lining.
All fuel fired furnaces are equiped with recuperator to recover the heat from flue gases by preheating combustion air. By thumb rule a rise of 150 degree C in combustion air 7.5% heat is recovered.
PLC control
- Large furnaces handle high value materials, it is essential to install PLC for opration to avoid manual errors.
- PLC checks each & every operation prior to loading of materials called booting to ensure air/gas/power etc. are within the specifications & all the sensors are in working condition
- PLC monitors each & every operation during auto cycle for supply conditions, flue temperatures burner operations any deviation is automatically notified audio visualy & through SCADA
- PLC keeps event history for the record
Control Panel
- Aesthetically powder coated control panel.
- Electrical switch gears for drives, burners.
- Status indication and control.
- Burner sequence controller and flame failure device.
- Programmable startup, burner, temperature controlling system.
- Thermal survey as per API 6A Standard.
- All measuring instruments calibrated to national traceability